What to consider

Before you propose any type of session to us, it is always helpful to consider about what services the learners wish us to deliver to achieve their learning goals. Here are some things you can consider before you make contact with us, which will help us to design and tailor the session content individually:

  • What makes you (or your child) want to learn Chinese?

  • What area would you (or your child) like to learn or improve in Chinese (eg. speaking, reading, writing, or learning Chinese characters etc)?

  • What level are you (or your child) in at the moment? Beginner, basic, intermediate, or advanced?

  • If you have some basic vocabulary and are able to communicate in Mandarin, would you like our tutor to teach in Mandarin fully?

  • Is there any assistance you (or your child) will need from us to adjust your (or your child’s) learning styles?

Refer to the section below and Sessions to know more about our services.


  • 是什么让您/您的孩子想学习中文?

  • 您/您的孩子具体想在中文的哪一方面有进步?(比如口语交流,阅读,写作或是认读生字和词语等等)

  • 您/您的孩子目前的汉语水平如何?是初学者,略有基础,还是有着更高的汉语/语文能力的学习者?

  • 如果您/您的孩子有着汉语/普通话基础,您是否希望我们的辅导老师用普通话进行辅导和教学?

  • 为了帮助您/您的孩子更好地学习,还有什么需要我们了解的?比如学习风格或者学习习惯?

请参考以下内容或点击 Sessions/课堂 了解更多服务内容。


Learn about our services 我们的服务

  • The tutoring sessions include Standard Tutoring sessions (for beginners) and Mandarin Power Hour sessions (for intermediate and advanced learners), refer more details from Our Sessions.

    我们的汉语课堂包括趣味汉语课堂(针对初学者)和汉语强化课堂(针对中高等的汉语学习者),详见Our Sessions/课堂页面。

  • This includes us planning sessions with you before and review or collect feedback after sessions. We will offer a free 15 minutes consultation with you every 4 sessions and initiate review at least termly (or every semester).



  • We accept all ages groups of learners from different backgrounds. Mandarin Playtime tends to make every learning session fun and interactive to learners.

    For adult learners, learning activities might be different from children and young people, as it might involve more practice with higher standards. However, all learning activities, styles and pace can be negotiated with our tutor to get your needs and goals met.

  • As a learner, you do not need to prepare anything, unless you wish to make some notes from the sessions with us. We will get all learning materials and resources for you (or your child).

  • During our first session, we will discuss about learning goals with each learner, and we use the first session to build rapport and get to know you - our learners, as well as the your expectations.

    From the second session on, we will be having regular sessions with structured activities. A brief note for planned activities can be shared before the session upon on request. Often, we review the progress with our learners regularly to make sure learners are working towards to their learning goals, and this can be completed via verbal communication before or after sessions.

    Please refer more information from Our Sessions for examples of learning activities during our sessions.

  • Yes you can, and we do encourage parents to participate in activities with our tutor and children. However, you will be an additional learner from your child, which means that we will need to charge the fee for 2 learners (that is you and your child).

  • Caregivers’ or parents’ involvement during sessions is highly recommended for learners who are under 4 years old. This is to ensure a productive learning environment and positive interaction for both learners and our tutors. In this case, you will not be charged as a second learner.

    However, if you are learning Mandarin with your child together and wish to make some progress in learning too, you will be considered as an additional learner apart from your child. That means you will be receiving 2 invoices from us after the tutoring session.

  • Please be mindful that we cannot work with your child alone unless there is a caregiver around. This does not mean you have to learn with your child together during the session, but we need you to be nearby (a distance where we can reach out at anytime when needed) to ensure the safety of your child, transparency of our communication with you (and/ or your child), and adequate support to your child whenever needed.

  • Mandarin Playtime believes we learn things the best when we are having fun and being relaxed, so we do not want to measure progress by taking test or examination regularly. Unless it is requested, we will not initiate any test or examination with our learners.

  • To avoid extra cost, we encourage you to enquire about your child’s learning progress before or after the tutoring session. The free consultation time will be 10-15 minutes in every 4 sessions. Any consultation that is longer than 15 minutes will be considered as additional service from us (other than tutoring), and you will be charged $10 for every 10 minutes.

    To encourage our learners to initiate their learning, we will not charge additionally if the learner enquire us about the progress of their learning or asking for any feedback during the tutoring session with us.

  • We are still extending our business in organising group sessions for more than one learners. Occasionally, it is possible for us to have a group session with more than one learners, but given to the capacity and circumstances, we can only accept a small group that is no more than 3 learners in each group session. Please be noted that each learner from the group will be charged same as the rate according to our price guideline (refer to Our Sessions for more details).

    We encourage you to consider 1:1 tutoring as a priority as every individual learns differently. We would love to provide tailored tutoring sessions to each learner according to their learning styles and uniqueness.

  • We take learners from different backgrounds regardless of their age and learning capacity. However, please consult with your NDIS Plan Manager/ Local Area Coordinator/ Support Coordinator to enquire about if the cost can be covered by NDIS first.


  • 我们接受各个年龄段和背景的学生。趣味汉语旨在让每一个学习汉语的学生都能在快乐的交流互动中学到汉语。


  • 作为学习者,您/您的孩子无需准备任何东西,除非您/您的孩子想准备一个笔记本记下课堂中可能会学到的语言知识。我们会在上课前为学习者准备好所有的学习资料和材料。

  • 第一节课时,我们会跟每个学习者一起讨论学习目标,通常第一节课都是我我们的导师对学习者进行了解和建立关系的时候,我们也需要了解学习者的需求和期待。


    请参考Our Sessions/课堂的页面了解更多具体的课堂内容。

  • 可以,我们鼓励家长和孩子一起在趣味汉语的课堂里跟导师互动。需要注意的是,如果不是因为辅助自己的孩子学习(比如因为学习者因为年幼注意力不集中需要家长看护),您和您的孩子都会被算作是学习者,我们将在课后发送两份账单。

  • 当学习者的年龄低于四岁时,身边最好有家长或是监护人的陪同。这样可以保证孩子的学习环境相对稳定,也有助于学习者和导师的良好互动。在此情况下,您不会被算作学习者。

    当然,如果您和您的孩子一起在课堂里学习汉语并且希望您也希望在学习中有所进步,您也会被算作一个学习者。课后我们会发给您两张账单,收费标准详见 Our Sessions/课堂

  • 为了孩子的安全考虑,我们不能在孩子的监护人或父母不在的时候与孩子单独工作。这不是要求您也要作为一个学习者全程参与孩子的学习过程,而是我们需要您在孩子学习的范围附近(比如在一个我们需要时可以及时找到您的范围)。这样是为了能保证孩子的安全,也能保证我们可以在需要时与您和孩子随时沟通,更是为了在必要时为孩子提供相应的帮助。

  • Mandarin Playtime 希望学者们可以通过轻松愉快的学习掌握交流的技能,所以我们一般不会通过定期测验考核学习者的知识水平。除非学习者希望我们进行水平测验,否则我们不会给学习者添加不必要的压力。

  • 为了避免不必要的花销,我们希望您可以在课前或课后的时间进行咨询。每四节课可以免费咨询10-15分钟。超过十五分钟的谈话(或电话咨询)将被视作额外服务,我们需要收取每10分钟 $10 的咨询费。


  • 我们还在扩展相关业务。目前,我们可以偶尔地组织小组课程,但由于场地问题和其他不可控因素,每次的小组课程只能接受不超过3名学习者。请注意,每位学习者都需要按照 Our Session/课程 页面的价目征收相关费用。


  • 我们接受来自不同背景的学习者。然而,我们不确定NDIS能不能提供语言学习服务的资助。如果您想了解更具体的情况,请先咨询您的 NDIS 计划经理 (Plan Manager)/当地协调员 (Local Area Coordinator)/服务协调员(Support Coordinator)。